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Debate Registration
Are you registering as a Participant or Judge?
  • Every student that registers needs to have at least one parent judge for one hour during the tournament. Otherwise, we won't be able to do this tournament. Our goal is to have at least 3 judges (or more) per speech  per hour. 

  • If you want to judge more than one hour, please let us know. 

  • If you prefer to judge debate or speeches, please let us know.

  • Judges must be 18 and not related to those they are judging. 

  • Judges: Mandatory judges meeting on zoom, May 28th in the morning or evening (two times will be available). 


Sign up for events/judging will be sent in the confirmation email after registering.



Time: 7-10min max

Theme: "How should a Christian think on what is good in our world?"

Types: Impromptu, persuasive, informative



Resolution: Physical violence is a just response to political oppression.

*Students should prepare an affirmative and negative case. Students will need to select two debate rounds one affirmative &one negative.


Speech and debate help? Would you like to sign up for our Zoom session on May 9th, Thursday, or May 10th, Friday (10am-12pm) for help on writing a speech or preparing for debate? If so, just click here and we will send you an email link to join for our morning sessions.

Thanks for registering. See you there!


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