*The below resources will be regularly updated as new content comes out. This page will be the main hub to find everything listed by topic.*
Resource lists:
Evangelism & Explaining the Gospel
Why apologetics matters:
Case for the Resurrection
New Testament Canon:
Review of The Question of Canon by Dr. Kruger (book is focused on the NT canon)
Church history:
Ecclesiology (the proper structure and function of the church and its leaders)
Engage Vision:
First Blog: "A Call to Engage"
Struggling with doubt:
Apologetics & the Next Generation (student & family related):
Scripture focus:
Logical Fallacies & Debate:
LGBT issues
On abortion
Defense of the 5 Solas/Response to Catholicism
Progressive Christianity
Answering Mormonism & Jehovah's witnesses
Creation/Evolution apologetics
Engage Truth YouTube & podcast show
Click here to listen to the podcast version of the Engage Truth show.
List of every video and links will be added to this page later.
All classes currently offered
*see our event schedule for the next upcoming class.
Click here for more details on all series offered.
Engaging with others about the gospel Beginner evangelism course (coming in 2024 spring
Beginner Apologetics (6 wk course)
Biblical Clarity in a chaotic culture (2-4 week course)
Foundational Apologetics
Defending Genesis (flood, dinosaurs, how to interpret Genesis, & more)
Engaging with the Cults (mormons, JWs, new agers & more)
The Formation & Reliability of the Bible
Defending the 5 Solas/Engaging with Catholics about the gospel (offered fall 2022)
Biblical justice vs. Social justice
Responding to progressive Christianity
The case for the abolition of Abortion
Responding to pro-gay theology and defending the historic Christian position on marriage & homosexuality
Tactics for engaging with others on their worldview
List of events:
click here to see a full list of our upcoming events and to sign up for them.
How to partner with Engage Apologetics
Click here for giving and practical support options for Engage Apologetics & the El Paso Creation Network.
Caleb is teaching a class at our church in Las Cruces on, you guessed it, apologetics. It has been enjoyable and needed. I appreciate his insight and use of practical steps. I listen to Wretched radio on Wednesday and it breaks my heart how little people know. It hurts my heart even more knowing I was not much better just a couple years ago. Calebs' class is an encouragement to have discussions. May the Holy Spirit work through each of us to reach hungry people.