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Various ways to partner with Engage

Writer's picture: Caleb HarrelsonCaleb Harrelson

Updated: Jan 21

About Engage:

List of ways to Partner with Engage Truth Ministries:

More on Various ways to financially support Engage Apologetics:

Note about donations via the website: All donations/payments online have about a 2.5% processing fee, so please consider giving a little extra to offset the fee.

Giving Opportunities:

  1. Give

    1. Give to support Caleb

      1. Give via the Engage website to support Caleb- as a full-time missionary with Engage Truth Ministries.

        1. Caleb's Amazon list.

        2. Caleb's paypal

        3. Alternative online giving option to Engage (if Engage website doesn't work)- click here

    2. General Engage Fund: Give directly to the General Engage Truth Fund

      1. Alternate general fund donation link if Engage Website isn't working: click here

      2. Supports things like The Academy, creation conferences, ministry supplies, microscopes or our summer camp.

    3. Mail a check to our P.O. Box and make it out to "Engage Truth Ministries." A Check is ideal as it doesn't take out a processing fee.

P.O. Box #12523, El Paso, Tx 79913

2. Worldview Academy: Give to Help sponsor students ($350 tuition for each) for our Worldview Academy Tuition.

3. Grand Canyon Trip Scholarship fund- Help send someone on our life changing Grand Canyon Trip in spring break in March of 2024 ($350 a person). Click here to give.

4. Summer Camp:

  1. Give to help with our scholarship fund for camp for 2024 & other supplies. ($100 for Staff and $320 for campers)

5. Dino Soft Tissue science supplies:

  • Thank you to the donor that helped us purchase the Vespera Telescope to use at our camp! The campers loved it!!!

  • Microscopes ($1300 a piece through Dr. Armitage): We recently just purchased 4 microscopes and eventually would like to have at least 8-10 for our student labs at camp and our worldview academy. Click here or on the picture below to give to our microscope fund.

Note to donors that have been giving to Engage via CBC:

Please transition to making your checks out to Engage Truth Ministries (see mailing address above) instead of CBC and/or giving directly to engage through our website. We can still receive checks through Coronado Baptist to support our ministry, but want to transition since we are set up as a non-profit with our own account and board now.


Evangelism & El Paso Creation Network giveaways:

Creation & evangelism Resources:

Other notes on giving:

Between monthly support and various one-time donations (we spread one time donations over several months in the budget) our support is at about 84% of our needed budget. Lord willing, we hope to be fully fundraised and could use about $870 more every month.

The Vision: Below is a brief sketch of the Engage Vision:

We praise God because of your partnership with us in the defense of the gospel (Philippians 1:16)!

in Christ alone,

Caleb Harrelson

Truth, Training, Conversation

Engage Truth YouTube & Podcast host

Engage Apologetics & El Paso Creation Network Director

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