Engage Apologetics is a ministry that seeks to equip the next generation in El Paso, TX for apologetics, evangelism, and Godliness. Through a variety of weekly training times, ministry activities, special events, retreats, and conferences, we engage the mind, engage the heart, and engage our neighbors in a way that makes the Gospel of Jesus known.

Engage was founded in the summer of 2018 and is led by Caleb and Kendra Harrelson. They were missionaries in Ukraine and served in full-time youth ministry for 6 years. Their involvement in ministry has given them firsthand experience with the vast amount of questions that people have about Jesus, science, and the Bible, so they decided to devote themselves full-time to help believers understand why the Christian worldview is true and how they can fully engage their whole life to know God and make His Gospel known. Caleb currently is the Founder & President of Engage Truth Ministries.

We exist to prepare parents and the next generation to know the total Truth of Christianity, Train them how to respond to objections and confidently engage their neighbor in Conversations about who Jesus is.
Truth- We make the case for the reasonableness of the Christian Worldview & respond to objections
Training- We provide space for our students to practice articulating and understanding other worldviews
Conversation: We facilitate dialogue with people from other worldviews
We accomplish our mission by providing the following types of training and activities:
Engage Training:
Multi-week intensive training courses on specific apologetic topics designed for Students and Adults on both the West and East sides of El Paso. These training's include a 2 hr teaching with a notebook study guide ($50-75 for series study guide and registration), engaging role-play session, Q & A and discussion time, weekly readings, and engaging homework assignments.
Engage Events:
Apologetics conferences, retreats, conferences, and monthly evangelism opportunities. Stay tuned on upcoming events!

Events in 2024
Click here for sign ups for all events
Big events this year:
1. Worldview Academy- Ages 9-18. Spring- Starts in Jan. Fall- Starts in August
2. Grand Canyon Trip: March 12-16th, 2024
3. Speech & Debate Tournament: May 31st. Click here for more info.
4. Engage Truth Summer Camp, June 23rd-28th. Click here to register or apply to be staff.
5. Why Conference/Fall Creation Conference: The Creation Guys & Dr. Charles Jackson- Sat, Nov. 2nd @ First Baptist.
6. Creation tours- ongoing. Click here for updates about tours.
​Classes or topics that I am available to teach per invitation: Engaging with the cults, Creation Apologetics, and Core Apologetics. To See my full topic list, click on this link here
Support Engage
Give financially: We are around a $870 short in monthly partners for Caleb's support. Extra funds will help with ministry operations or can be designated for camp, Worldview Academy or trip scholarship funds too.
Give online: Click here to give online
Make checks payable to Engage Truth Ministries and write in memo if it's for Caleb's support, Camp, Worldview Academy or Dino soft tissue labs and mail to: Engage Apologetics, P.O. Box #12523, El Paso, Tx, 79913
Pray for us.
Help us spread the word about Engage at your local church and/or invite us to speak at your church or ministry event. We can speak at a one-time event on various apologetic topics (creation science, cults & foundational apologetics)
Join the weekly text group by texting @engagea to 81010.​