Promo video for Cruces tour and NMSU event: Click here or on the picture below
Schedule for week:
1. Sat, Jan 7th: Dinosaur Track hike in El Paso at Mt. Cristo Rey
2. Sunday, Jan 8th
11am- Bethel Bible Fellowship- "What does a Dead Dinosaur have to do with your future?" with Dr. Mark Armitage
2-4pm- Mandatory Bone lab session for parents and students: at Real Life Church (1040 El Paseo Rd., Las Cruces
5:30pm-6:30pm- NMSU presentation on Dinosaur Soft tissues: "The Soft Side of a Mean Dinosaur."
Where? Corbett Center, Senate Gallery, Room 304 (3rd Floor) 5:30-7pm

Bone Lab days in Las Cruces:
*Note: All labs will be hosted at Real Life Church and are for students 10-24 years old. See graphic below for more info.
3. Wednesday, Jan 11th (1st bone lab day)
4. Saturday, Jan 14th (2nd bone lab day)
Scroll below or click here to see the lab registration form and more info. Please email Nicole Mitchell to register for these labs. I (Caleb) am not in charge of these labs.
Full Dr. Armitage Cruces tour flier:

Bone Lab Registration form:
Please send your students information to the email listed below:
