Evangelism Survey: Please fill it out even if you don't take the class!
Church members and non-elder Church Staff: please click here to fill out our evangelism survey.
Church elders/pastors: Please click here to fill out our evangelism Survey
Survey is Adapted from the Mobilize to Evangelize book by Matt Queen
More info about the class:
Basic info: Do you want to learn how to make the most of every conversation to plant gospel seeds (Colossians 4:5-6, John 4:34-38), answer basic objections and clearly lead others to Christ? This is the perfect class for you!
Click this link to learn a little more about the the "gospel threads" that we will be covering in this series!
Click here for some evangelism ideas.
FREE evangelism book: Every member will receive a FREE copy of the "Gospel Threads" booklet to help in your evangelism training, praying for the lost and reflection from your weekly evangelism conversations!
Cost? This class will be FREE! If you would like to give to Engage to support our class teacher & Engage President, Caleb Harrelson, click here.
Class Schedule:
Week 1: Jan 22nd-Basic Overview of the Gospel Threads:
Learning to think and live like an ambassador of Christ, praying for the lost and role playing evangelism conversations.
Week 2: Jan 29th- The Thread of God's Character:
Meet at portable 2 for teaching & then during the second half of the class we will GO weave this thread in conversations in our neighborhood, UTEP, etc.
Week 3: Feb 5- The Thread of the Sinfulness of Man
We will cover the 2nd thread, pray for the lost, debrief from the previous week and have more role playing.
Week 4: Feb 12th- The thread of the Sufficiency of Christ
Meet at portable 2 for teaching & then during the second half of the class we will GO weave this thread in conversations in our neighborhood, UTEP, etc.
Week 5 Feb 19th- The thread of the necessity of faith and repentance
We will cover the 2nd thread, pray for the lost, debrief from the previous week and have more role playing.
Week 6: Feb 26th- The Thread of the Urgency of Eternity
Meet at portable 2 for teaching & then during the second half of the class we will GO weave this thread in conversations in our neighborhood, UTEP, etc.
Follow up- make disciples of any new converts, consider take them through my "new Christian bible study series" (will be posted before the end of class) & follow up with any people that you are able to do that with.
Bible study material with a new believer: Coming soon.***
Recommended follow-up Resources:
Evangelism by J. Mack Stiles
Tactics by Greg Koukl
Street Smarts by Greg Koukl
The Story of Reality (Koukl)- Great book to introduce someone to Christianity (not a replacement for reading the Bible).
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer
Conversational Evangelism by Norman Geisler
The Lazy Approach to Evangelism by Eric Hernandez
(All graphics below are from Platt's Gospel Threads series (1st one- Brook Hills website, last two I made the graphics based on his material)
