Registration is now open!
To register for this FREE event, click here.
To help volunteer at the conference, click here.
To give to the conference fund, click here.
Promo video: Click here to watch the short promo video- show it on Sunday morning to your church!
Basic Details about the event:
Christian astrophysicist, Dr. Jason Lisle, with the Biblical Science Institute (BSI) is coming to Coronado Baptist in El Paso the weekend of Nov 11th, 2023 for a jam-packed weekend of learning about how the heavens declare the glory of God!
Dr. Lisle is a very effective communicator and a solid scientist that is equipping believers to stand firm on God's Word in Genesis. Also, his presentation on his recent predictions with the James Webb Telescope and how it confirms a Biblical Creationist model will greatly encourage all believers in attendance!
This will strengthen & equip the church, encourage believers to love God with ALL their mind, embolden evangelism and facilitate more students going into fields of science to do it to the glory of God!
Saturday, Nov 11th:
Green- fellowship and time to visit booths
Blue- Dr. Lisle presentations
8:15am- Registration, refreshment in the gym & Vendor tables (Go buy Lisle's books!) Click here to see our current list of vendors attending.
9am- Understanding Genesis (Dr. Lisle)
10am- break- Go check out the booths!
10:30am- Worlds of Creation (Journey through our solar system)
11:30am-1pm- Lunch (Chick Fil La if registered by 11/6 or on your own)
Ministry booths available in the gym during lunch and breaks.
12:30pm- video in the sanctuary- "Created Cosmos"
1pm- Astronomy Reveals Creation (Black holes, distant starlight, James Webb & More!)
2pm- Break- go check out booths (last chance to buy books)
2:15-3pm- Q & A with Dr. Lisle
3pm- Event is over
Vendors: Biblical Science Institute, Engage, Worldview Warriors, Classical Conversations, Aspendale Summer Camp, & Westside Pregnancy Center.
Recommended Ages: 9 and up. No nursery is available- so it's really up to the parents. We personally think 9 and up students will LOVE IT!
Do you want to have a table for your ministry or business during the conference? please email for vendor prices ($150 normally) and expectations.
Fliers to download and print for the event:
11 x 17 Flier
Checkered postcard size fliers